Wednesday, April 30, 2008

people who enjoy crocs are perplexing

Hey guys,

I'm heading to New York in five days, which should be fun. In addition to the usual touristy things, I'm going to visit the Mad Magazine offices. I'm pretty pleased about that. Anyway, I recently received a strange email. The perplexing email is from a man named Michael Peacock, which is a pretty sweet name.
I absolutely love what you are doing for Crocs wearers everywhere. I hate following trends and, although I don't go out of my way to be "counterculture", when I like something it is disappointing to find that everyone else is doing it. I must, therefore, extend my deepest gratitude to you for discouraging the masses who cannot think for themselves from wearing my favorite shoes. I happen to love them; the uglier the better. They're more comfortable than Birkenstocks and a third the price. What do they look good with? Absolutely nothing, so I never have to worry about whether my shoes go with my outfit. The charms thing? It's just so lame I love it. And now I don't have to worry about anyone thinking I'm gay, because if I was I would never be seen wearing something so atrocious.

So keep up the good work! And if you have lots of extra time on your hands (and clearly you do) maybe you should start a website about how lame mutton-chop sideburns are. That used to be my thing, and now everyone else is doing it.
You're welcome, Michael Peacock. Keep up the good work. Very perplexing.

Anyway, that's all for now.

See you in New York.


You can get to the shop by clicking HERE.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

drip drip drop little april showers

From The Financial Post:

Crocs aren't hip anymore - news that may make you ecstatic or depressed, depending on your fashion sense - and workers at a Quebec City factory are paying the price.

The namesake shoe of Colorado-based Crocs Inc. isn't bringing in the same rush of people as in their peak in 2004, forcing the company to ship its Canadian manufacturing south to Mexico after less than six years in operation, putting more than 600 employees out of work.

It only took two years for the company to go from the largest footwear IPO in history to back-of-the-closet obscurity.

"Crocs bites the dust," Robert Samuels, an analyst at J.P. Morgan Securities Inc., said in a note.

Crocs CEO Ron Snyder blames the slowdown in demand on poor Croc-wearing weather and a dismal retail climate, but the more obvious answer, as with any of-the-moment trend, is that people are shunning the shoes many feel are just plain ugly.

"The brand's popularity is in sharp decline, and it is tough to argue otherwise," Mr. Samuels wrote.

It begins. It took a bit longer than we'd expected, but it is happening, inevitably. The full story is HERE.

The seasons are changing here in good ole Halifax. It has been quite warm the past few days, which I rather enjoy. I went to the mall today and saw an old lady wearing one sneaker and one yellow Croc. It struck me as strange. Very unusual. Typically, people wear shoes that match. Perhaps it is this summer's new trend?

In any case, the company that produces our t-shirts, Spreadshirt is running a promotion for springtime! For this weekend only, if you live in the States and you're ordering something from our store, you can get free shipping by entering the coupon code 'SPRINGFREE' when you're checking out. If you're Canadian (like me), you can enter the coupon code 'CADSPRINGFREE' and get five dollars off your shipping. Not a bad deal, especially if you were planning on ordering something anyway. You can get to the shop by clicking HERE.

Monday, April 07, 2008

april brings the crocs out

I forgot to mention in the last post, but we were mentioned on Norwegian TV during some kind of Crocs debate. Thanks to everyone that wrote in to let us know!

I realize I haven't been posting that much lately, but I have a couple reasons for this! Firstly, here in Canada, it has just stopped being winter. Thankfully, Crocs tend to hibernate during the winter. Except for the especially stupid Crocs, but what can you do, right? My second reason for posting only about once a month is that second year journalism is insane. The amount of work in Radio Broadcasting and Reporting Techniques is quite huge, let me tell you. And of course, I have a great many other classes.

Anyway, look! This is the second post I've written for April! And they're so close to each other! Incredible! This is because I am very close to being done school. I've just got two more days of classes and then a couple exams. And then I'm done! Joyous.

And it is my birthday on the 9th! Hooray.

Here's an email we got:
I thought you guys might appreciate this video.

If you guys enjoy it, I would appreciate it if you could post the link on your site!


Kevin Franklin
The video is pretty funny. Alright, have a good one guys.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

vincenzo's shoes

Hi everyone!

As promised, I bring to you pictures of my shoes. Now, the first couple are old shoes and, naturally, they are a bit beat up. I don't wear them that much anymore because... well, they're beat up. The last two, I wear more often. They're newer and less beat up. There you have it.

Alright. There you go. My shoes. What do you think? Am I the person who ought to be ashamed? How dare I make fun of people in Crocs when I'm wearing these monstrosities? Is that the consensus? I don't know! This is the first time I've given you ammo. Well, there you go. Have fun.

Also, if you've ever wondered what's inside my wallet, BOY HAVE I GOT A WEBSITE FOR YOU. Yes, is the home of the Wallet Museum, which is usually located in my back pocket and contains an abundance of flat or mostly flat objects. When my wallet gets too thick, the objects get moved to a box in my closet. As such, I've been collecting flat or mostly flat objects for several years now. I decided to begin the rather daunting task of converting the various pieces in the museum over to a digital format. CLICK HERE to check it out.