We've got some things to show you that you might not be prepared for. As you may have noticed, we're not just opposed to Crocs. We're opposed to all of the knock-offs and look-alikes. They're all as hideous as the original and we are all for equal opportunity hatred. Also, I have mentioned that I am not a fan of Heelys, which are those shoes with the wheels in them.
However, two new shoes have been brought to our attention and boy howdy are they awful ugly. The first comes to us via our MySpace comments. Check out "Cloggens", or if you are squeamish, shield your eyes in abject horror:

And from our friends over at FreshTrend.com, the Dopie:

Draw your own conclusions.
Also, we've been mentioned in a national Italian newspaper, we're going to be in the Seattle Times at some point and I'm currently hammering out an appearance on Swiss radio.
I'll be in Italy, England and Africa between June 21 and July 28, so I'll either be posting my findings from there or just letting Kate take care of things.
ALSO: If you've been waiting to order something from the store, wait no more, because between June 1st and June 17th, Spreadshirt is offering free shipping (on orders over $15) when you use the coupon code FATHERSDAY07.
*Dry heaves*
Have we a new contender for Most Vile Scourge on the Foot?
I've seen the half-assed flip flop toe-covering things on sale at the mall (like the Crocs), but I have not seen anyone actually buy or wear them (unlike the Crocs).
WHOA THOSE THINGS ARE BUTT UGLY! what demented person origionally sketched those out. My brother (a former croc owner, to my dismay) looked over my shoulder at those half as big, twice-as-ugly flip-flops, and screamed. "What kind of idiot would wear those in public?!"
I'm OK with the Dopies - we just got them here in the UK and as far as I'm concerned they're prettier (if that's the word) than the Fit Flop .. They also have that unique feature, the removable strap which prevents suntan strap marks ..
All I want to know is if you can run ultra-trail-marathons in them (the Dopie)? I agree the Crocs and the cloggens are but ugly. But, I think the jury is out out on the Dopie.
Michael Carroll
Wow, after reading this article, I'm left both amused and horrified by the array of bizarre footwear showcased here. "Cloggens" and "Dopies" truly take hideousness to a whole new level! It's quite impressive how this blog fearlessly dives into the realm of equal opportunity hatred for knock-offs and look-alikes, while also managing to throw shade at Heelys. 😄
And hey, congrats on the international recognition, including mentions in an Italian newspaper and plans for Swiss radio! Your wit and humor deserve the spotlight. By the way, while I may not share your passion for Croc-bashing, your blog definitely delivers a unique entertainment factor. I'm also glad to hear about the free shipping offer at ohcrocs.com-shop, that's quite a deal. Keep up the comical critique and thanks for the enjoyable read, author!
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