Also, just because we've gotten about ten emails about this in the last half hour or so, there's an article about the dangers of Crocs on escalators on the front page of Yahoo. So, check it out! Thanks to everyone who emailed. You know who you are. And you know that you're beautiful.
It may sound bad, but I firmly believe that having their children's toenails ripped off is punishment for parents forcing such atrocities on their babies. Totally deserved.
I hate Crocs too. But I kind of expected more hate to flow from this website. where are the pictures of regular folks (fools) wearing the crocs with a black bar across their eyes? what about the little boys forced to wear lilac and orange ones just like their big or lil sister?
where is the disgust? poke more fun of these people, be mean!
They're in the Shitopedia!!
my brither had the same problem... got stuck with his shoe in the escalator. he jammed the whole thing. but he was wearing allstars...
(i don't want you to stop blaming crocs, by the way)
I hate crocs too! I mean, they could be ok for very basic things like maybe gardening or the like, but not to actually wear in public! I like the idea of making more fun of the people seen wearing them, like maybe a picture of an entire croced-out family? Hee hee.
Personally, I find your site pathetic. Creating a site about hating crocs? What's the online world become to?
Ha ha ha... Too funny. An entire blog about hating Crocs. I just posted an article about this on my blog.
This is so sad! And also proof that machines are beginning to become sentient.
I personally believe that it's fate's way of saying that if you wear those damned things you don't deserve to have feet.
you must have something fundamentally wrong with you or missing in your life to devote a site to hating a pair of shoes!!!
YOU WOULD NOT CATCH ME DEAD IN CROCS! Do not get me wrong they are ok for things like the beach and pool and such, but they are not good casual shoes.
I personally think there are much more productive things to be doing rather than spending your time posting blogs about hating Crocs. Isn't there enough hating in the world already?
Well Well well, so this little kid got hurt on an escalator so blam the shoe and maybe they can sue and get some money. The fact is that Crocs adhear to the "Escalator Guidelines" yes there is an acutal guideline for escaltors. Oh and I challange anyone on this site to try and get a pair of Crocs stuck in an escalator and get it on video. Go to YOUTUBE and search "Crocs Escalator" Watch the guy try to get stuck. The fact is these parents should pay more attention to what there kid is doing. It is not fair that just because these shoes are ugly to blam them for this. Ok Crocs are less dangerous than any shoe with laces.
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