The above is Michelle, a true heroine, wearing one of our bags. It looks pretty cool! I have never actually seen one of our products in real life. 'Cause, I don't know, if I ordered one for myself, it would be like a band wearing their own t-shirt, you know? It wouldn't be cool at all. But it looks totally awesome! That bag and other stuff is available at the shop, which you can get to by clicking HERE.
Anyway, down to brass tacks: I've been really busy with school (exams) and we've been renovating the manor because we decided that the library wasn't big enough and as a result, I haven't posted much recently. We've knocked down a few walls and expanded into the gardens, so it should work out just fine. We might have to nix the helipad, is all.
Posting also occurs less frequently this time of year because Crocs don't come out much in the wintertime. And hopefully this winter will be the one that finally rids us of them permanently.
Here are an email that recently came off the ticker tape machine:
Strange how websites that might actually make Crocs some money are being shut down by Crocs while we have been going strong for quite a while now. This is Little Rubber Shoes Dot Com all over again.I started a website after I received the formal in writing go ahead to start Logo Crocs Dot Com. I thought I would get a ton of hits and sell imprinted crocs. Well I just received a fancy attorney letter that they have changed their policy. I hate crocs also.Penny Fleming
An email from Mary Bradshaw:
to, stupid croc hater
you are sooooooooo stupid for not liking crocs. me and one friend want to informaion about your STOOPID evil videos!!!!!!
from,croc lover
ps, GET A LIFE!!!!
Rarely have so few words made less sense.
Steve Tuttle recently send us this picture:

actually, crocs will be appearing this winter. they now have fur-lined ones.oh joy. when will this madness end? i saw a lady at church last week wearing crocs. wasn't she supposed to be wearing....a nicer shoe?
My soul weeps for the English language after reading Mary Bradshaw's email.
The horror of Mary Bradshaw's e-mail! Perhaps poor grammar is a result of purchasing crocs.
If this is the case, I must find myself a new fiance, as he bought himself of the "normal-looking" flip-flops Crocs now makes. He find them a mite uncomfortable between the big toe and the toe next to it, but tells me that the heel area is very comfortable. I will take his word for it.
I never thought I would see the day where Crocs would reside in our closet.
*bought himself a pair of
My apologies.
The thing I generally don't like about Crocs is that they come across as money-grabbing bastards.
hey why don't you use real crocs? can't afford them?
its funny that you have never tried them but hate them..you're afraid to love them..haha..I wear them everyday and get compliments all the day long on my style so..you should give it a try buy some and wear them for say around 6 months you will love them too!
forgot to mention your bag looks "more" than ugly its too big and omg so plain jane no taste at all..yes, even if I ate it I'm sure it would have no taste! get a life..how many times have you seen that typed in your comments? plenty I've laughed each time I have seen it so thanks for that! crocs rule fool!
to all readers,
It's so sad that some people put so much energy into something like hating a pair of rubber shoes, and I want to tell you a little story about how we end up loving Crocs. The Crocs shoes are the only shoes my son Jonah (4 yrs) can wear because he has a very unusual disease that causes a permanent disability on one of his feet.
Instead on criticize and just hate for no reason, maybe we should start looking on the positives.
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