I was thrilled at first to see it, hoping that someone had relinquished their shameful shoes and decided to set them out to sea, but unfortunately it was just some yahoo floating his shoes in a pool. I died a little inside.
Luckily, some people still have common sense, like this North Andover public school that has banned Crocs for safety (and, assumedly, aesthetic) reasons. Good work!
We also got a little note from Belinda, who says:
Hi, my name is Belinda and I wear Crocs. I even put my childrens' feet in Crocs. After seeing a picture of W in Crocs, I'm re-thinking my position. Especially since he was wearing socks. My older daughter is a fan of "socks 'n Crocs," too, but I certainly don't want her to grow up to be like George Bush!
Whatever reason you can think of, Belinda, we stand behind your decision.
I hate "hate sites," but I also really do hate crocs (and I've always love Chuck Taylors!)
I was telling some friends at dinner about my hate for crocs. Unfortunately, it came out that they had already bought a pair for my baby (due in Sept). I felt a little bad, but not as bad as I would feel about putting crocs on my child!!!
Not to be critical, but my other hate (I only have the three) is careless writing errors. Come on - it only takes a fraction of a second to proofread the headline of this page. Please correct it. I tell you this for your own good. People throwing stones just can't live in glass houses.
ur right, hate them crocs.....but gotta luv them chucks!!!
u know what???? CROCS ARE SOOO EFFiN AWESOME...you're just jealous...thats right...i have a pair of LSU crocs and whatever college you're from sucks ass compared to LSU...AND AGAiN.....CROCS RULE!!!!!!
What???? Crocs are the coolest shoes ever!!!!!!!!! Your mad jealous! They are only 30 bucks!!! Cheapstate!
I can't even believe I'm bothering to write this.... CROCS are all I wear and will not change unless I stop walking. I've purchased mabe 5 pair in the last month on ebay. Some Crocs are for me and some are for my daughters (in their 30's)My husband is 70 and has an ORANGE pair. Their like walking on clouds !! GO CROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is a cheapstate anything like a cheapskate?
I'm no shoe cheapskate. Or cheapstate... Chucks are $70 and I have two pairs.
This has got to be one of the most fake sites ever produced - supposed 'Crocs haters' who all come across like total morons opposed by Crocs lovers who come across as quite the opposite. Let's get it straight. Crocs are the most comfortable shoes on the planet .....nothing Elsa comes close. My feet are addicted to them. If I wear "normal" shoes for even a day I have an instantaneous glare up of planar fasciitis and/or heel spur pain flare ups. The styling for woman seems pretty nice and quite varied. I really liked the styling for men ..... at first. I now think that the styling for men is just hideous. Goodness, I can hardly believe how ugly they are when I scan their line up. There is not one good looking pair in their entire lineup. Numerous styles looking's though they were made of scraps left over from some fabric store. Effeminate styling galore. The only good looking shoe they EVER made was called "Will" and those are discontinued. Why can't they make great looking shoes? What is it with them, do they hire designers who are instructed " now listen whatever you do the styling has to be horrid, just try to make good looking shoes and you'll be out on the street looking for a job". Have you seen their men's boot The "The Greeley"? If that isn't the ugliest boot ever designed! Hideous! We all know what gives with their design team - they made a name for themselves with a very unique design that was considered "cool" almost because it was so ugly. Now the company is hooked on hideous and it is no longer cool. In fact it really looks outright stupid. I have become a true Crocs hater as opposed to the rest of he bogus fake Crocs paid "bloggers" on this fake site. Now then it's not Crocs that I have come to despise it's the totally stuck in 'neutral' mindset of their owners that I hate. I know what they're thinking "we made a mountain of dough with this hideous stupid styling and we ain't gonna change our modus oporendi for nuthin - hideous stupid looking is The Rule - end of story". Stupid. I practice medicine. Years ago other doctors wore Crocs to work. It was cool back then not any more. You couldn't find a pair of Crocs in our entire building now. They just look like what they actually are - stupid looking little kids 'shoes'. Rubber duck feet. So then what so I care? Why should I be a Crocs hater? Simple. I have a foot croslite addiction and "I can't get no satisfaction" for my feet. I will NOT wear their stupid looking styles . My last pair of Wills are nearing death and there is no where to turn. That is where the resentment comes in. Have you ever looked for shoes comparable to Crocs? made in a similar manner? Forget about it, I have tried. Their ain't no such thing. The Crocs has buried any such notion under thousands of Crocs generated sites - you just can't get to them. Second, I am certain that Crocs has some kind if legal stranglehold on the shoe industry that prevents other companies from making similar (but better looking) shoes. That, precisely is what has me mad. My feet are addicted and their is no relief in site unless I cover them in Crocs whose styling is embarrassingly bad. So what? Well I think it's time for a legal class action case to be brought against Crocs by the shoe industry...... I am dead serious. Companies that know how to actually style shoes MUST be allowed to use Croslite to make shoes. Come in shoe industry GER YOUR ACT TOGETHER AND BLOW CROCS OUT OF THW WATER - sue those duck foot, left over fabric scrap styling, can't style an actual men's shoe creaks out of the water. Give us some styles hat are made out of REAL LEATHER that would actually LOOK NICE with a pair of Khaki pants or even with a suit! How about some nice Red Wing style cowboy boots? Do something my foot health is on the line!
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