Which appeared in that newspaper I mentioned last night, The Daily News. I think maybe the article makes me sound a bit angrier than I am in person, but just a bit. It was fun to do. That's my blender, see? Isn't it nice? It's Hamilton Beach, and let me tell you how good the margaritas are, oh boy.
Was that a product placement? I don't think so. Anyway, go about your day. I feel like I may have to post again later due to the sheer volume of visitors! It's ca-razy! You'd better believe Vincenzo is jealous, all far away in London. Pssh... London.
I went around for months wanting to punch people wearing crocs, but thats not overly cool with the public anymore so my friends and I resurrected the punch buggy into Punch crocs. it’s pretty fun unless you’re in some fashion hell hole like yarmouth where every third person wears em and by the end of the day your arm hurts full time. Anyways I have the rules to punch croc on my blog thingy :)
Keep up the good fight against the peasantry!
I wear them. But only at home. I consider them "house shoes". Not a fashion statement. Nor are they really a good shoe...they offer absolutely no arch support. And for someone, my size that is important. Spread the word.
I tried to e-mail, but it has been down for a couple days. If you don't like them don't wear them. You are helping the Crocs brand every time you buy a pair to destroy. I also liked the shoes that the guy was wearing in the "Crocs-Burning" video. Do they sell mens shoes where he got those?
I came here because I read that interview in the Daily News, and I have to say that I am so happy that somebody's finally standing up to the fugly that is Crocs. A couple of my friends wear them, and no matter how many times we make fun of them, they just won't stop.
Keep the fight alive!
I love that u have this website. It's fabulous! I HATE crocs, they are completely useless and hideous. Keep up the fantastic work!
and to all u croc wearing weirdos, you make me want to puke!
Thank you so much for destroying crocs in a blender. Crocs are the most ridiculous and wrong form of footwear ever. When I first saw someone wearing them, I thought it must be an escaped convict with bright orange prison shoes on. Then I found out that they come in lots of pukey colors. Keep up the fight against crocs!
--Allen in Austin, Texas (which is a croc Mecca)
THxs for your website! i mean crocs are ugly!!!!!!!! I hate them !!! TTTTTHHHAAANNKK YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!
finally, I ahve found peole who share my beleif that crocs should be destryoyed. my friends love them, and they almost make want to siown them by wearing them in public. does nobody understand how ugly and rediculous those horendous things (they can't be called shoes) look!
ugly can be beautiful thing in life
if u had child would u give it up cus it ugly ............
remember jilly shoes ...oop i think u ppl havent born when they came out
the black crocs not so ugly
i wear them i love it
birkenstock compfy too
howabout ppl put plants below the thight let they underwear show that very ridious too
...I don't understand the above person's "english".
By the by, I'd give up my child if it was as ugly as a CROC.
CROC'S are so cool i dont know why you people hate them so much like wtf??i hav 12 pair's of croc's!HATE ON IT !
Oh my.
crocs shouldn't be consisered a -->FASHION<-- statement!!! they are the ugliest shoes, and look like something a 5-year-old drew up on paper! they're just repulsive. and for you people who say you like them because they're "comfy", thats stupid! You don't go wearing your pj's out in public because they're "comfy"!!!!!
bite me! Theyre the perfect shoe!
people, get over it! yes they are ugly but let people suffer in their ugliness bc you are what you wear on your feet. (and if you wear puke green cheapo rubber well...)
Oh ahaha. This site is 90x better when I get to read comments. I love you Kate.
Only geeks, and old men wear crocs!
I have yet to see a girl wearing the colorful crocs, unless they work in a hospital...if they don't, then they are geeks with no b/f. lol
Damn, I hate those ugly shoes. I wish someone would burn everyone single one of them!
i mean its ok for girls to wear them as like watershoes but with jeans or sweatpants!!!! iv seen people with croc hole tans its ridiculous im about ot go burn my cousins he wore them to the mall with me!!
Who cares what someone wears - it is their feet - not yours. Sure Crocs, especially those multi-colored or strange colors,i.e. orange are ugly. If you don't like them don't wear them and if you see someone wearing them - look away before you go blind.
Crocs suck on ice!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! I can't believe this site exists and that people could hate crocs so much. Of course they are ugly! They aren't meant to be fashionable, are they? I own a generic brand of crocs from KMart. They cost $9. They are black. I wear them in the garden because they are comfortable and sturdy enough to work in, I can wash them and they dry quickly. Otherwise, I'd be ruining a pair of shoes in the garden. My 4-year old wears them and I think they are a practical shoe for children for the same reasons that they make good gardening shoes. There is a time and place for being practical and a time and place for being cool, if being cool is important to you. Yeah, I don't get the garish colors either, but who cares?
Hey Kate, just had to take a moment to discount the comment that fool made earlier. Your are absolutly gorgeous! Bah...tans are over rated. Keep up the good work!
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