Our good friend Ben sent us a note telling us about Z-Coil shoes, which are not exactly good looking. Well, I'll let him tell you about them:
Hey- I love your site. I hate crocs as much as any other freedom loving person, so I felt compelled to help. While the link I'm sending doesn't have crocs, it shows another type of equally heinous footwear.Thanks, Ben! And they're easy to make fun of, too. Look: Z-Coil makes us recoil. Effortless! And it rhymes!
I saw these shoes at the hospital I worked at a few years ago. I couldn't believe that people actually would buy them. The afternoon after the vendor came though, I saw several nurses running around in them.
I scanned back on your site a little ways and couldn't tell if you had already ripped into these. At least they don't have holes in them.
Good luck.
Blair puts my efforts to shame. Alls I've done was start a rebellion in St. John's, Newfound Land that uses verbal skills to deter those from purchasing a pair or wearing some either. It just goes to show that we all need to step up and take action; we can't place all the burden on Kate and Vincenzo.
Crocs have always confused me. Who would spend $30 on plastic garden clogs when you can pick them up for under $10, and then - who would wear them to work? Have you ever watched kids try to run in those things? It is not pretty.
As for the z-Coils, I am a runner, and I chalked this up to another way (no matter how ridiculous) to cushion the run and put a spring in your step. However... their "Athletic" shoe, the Freedom 2000, does not seem to be a running shoe at all. Plus, there are disturbing pictures of sandals, steel toe work boots, men's dress shoes, and mary janes! Dear God! THANK YOU for your public service crusading against bad shoes with good marketing.
Your mother's a croc!
Im sorry, I just had to say that.
I applaud you fine people, Vincenzo and Kate, and your wonderfully witty website. I have finally found some of my own kind. Someone who shares my hatred of the Croc. I have never ever been so repulsed by a shoe, besides shoes and socks, than I am by Crocs! Everyone wears the hideous things in Ohio. I can't escape! Everywhere I turn, there it is. Staring at me with it's assortment of bright colors, and the frequent sequins and beads added to decorate them. (Honestly, no amount of beautiful things could make that shoe good. You could stick a picture a puppy on them, and I'd still fine them repulsive.) They haunt me in my dreams. But, goodness forbid, I mention my passionate hatred for these shoes. I'm evil glared at as if I'm a leaper. The most classic repsonse, "Well, they're comfy." I swear, the Crocs have overtaken the greater Cleveland area (heck, half the nation!) and brainwashed everyone accept us select few, just like aliens. All I ask you is when will this madness stop?! When will everyone come to their senses and realize there must be a more tolerable "comfy" shoe out there. When will everyone save me the heart attack and complusions I begin to have when I see a pair of those hideous, bright colored things go past? What has the world come to? All I can say is, Croc-Haters, UNITE! (:
Thank you again my fellow friends for not being sucked into this horrible mess. It's all a con. I bet the Croc inventors laugh all the way to the bank about the disturbing shoe they have made millions off of. I bet, not one of them where Crocs too. They're probably dying laughing at how easy it was to pull the wool over everyone's eyes, and throw an ugly piece of rubber at them and tell them they're "comfy." Now, I'm seeing Crocs sandals come along also. Eh, not so bad right? Get this, CROC BOOTS!! As if the shoe wasn't enough, a solid good 3 pounds of rubber wrapped knee-high around your leg will surely give you your fix.
I could rant all day, but this is your job... And I will leave you to it. Keep up the excellent work!
This site just gets better and better. Even more amusing than the site are the frequent yelps of protest from Croc wearers telling everyone else to get a life ... pure internet gold.
Every single time hatred brings people together - no matter the cause - it's always very pathetic. If you don't like it, don't buy it. It's REALLY that simple. You don't need an excuse for hating crocs but the people who use (and enjoy) them don't need excuses either. And no side needs hateful websites like this one.
Btw, what Blair was applauded for doing was very undemocratic (and hope that's still not OK in your books) and probably untrue. I've contacted them to find out the truth.
Ferenc Illesy
Jerusalem, Israel
Z-coils while they may look funny - are extremely comfortable and really help people in need. I have seen a woman in a wheel chair who couldn't walk put Z-Coils on and walk around. Don't knock 'em till you try them.
I am so glad to have found you guys!
I cannot STAND these things and don't understand the obsession people have with them. LEAVE THEM IN THE GARDEN!!! Please!!
I have a friend who wore hers all weekend at our camping trip and I almost threw them in the river several times. They make your feet look 10x the size & they're just hideous... blech.
Thank you for providing a little island of sanity.
Crocs are a crock. Z-Coils however gave me my life back. Years of chronic backpain kept me bed ridden and drove me into a deep depression. While my back pain isn't gone 100%, thanks to these ugly shoes it's gone enough that I can go out and have a life again.
I really don't understand the Croc madness. They are HIDEOUS! It disgusts me to see adults wearing these things out in public :(.
Trying to rationalize this epidemic of poor taste has led me to draw the following conclusions:
1)We have become a nation of sheep.
2)The end is surely near.
Please people, stop the madness!
The sad thing is we have become a natino of "vanity". Its sad that people care so much about what other people think that they create websites to display that. What a joke. Grow up...get some balls, and don't just hate something because society tells you its out of fashion.
nation I meant. sorry for the bad spelling...
If the Z-coils do serve a therapeutic purpose I guess they can be tolerated. It looks to me like they would put an unnecessary strain on your achilles tendon. That, and I don't believe in any shoe that leaves your feet in an unnatural position. These shoes seem to do just that. A few years from now something else is going ot hurt.
If you bought anything from this site your even worse then people who like Crocs. This person is just trying to make money on hateing Crocs, and your all buying it. Now thats sad. And not to mention that there are links to go and buy Crocs at the bottom of this page proves it. The fact is that Crocs are paying for this site and making the creator money. And its all thanks to Crocs.
Regarding Z-Coils: Yes they are god awful ugly, however, I agree with the person who said they gave them their life back. I am a 40 year old woman who is Extremely flat-footed and have suffered from foot, ankle, knee, back and shoulder pain since I was a child. My father is a Podiatrist and even custom made orthotics did not help and surgery is not an option. I work in a theme park and walk on concrete for as many as 12 hours a day. In 2004 I bought a pair of the tennis shoes and currently wear a pair of the work boots, which have covers for the heels so you don't see the spring. You can buy the covers for any of their styles. I am not joking when I say that I can walk all day long and have no pain or problems whatsoever! They don't put you at an awkward angle as you would think, because your body weight presses them down. The springs are also adjustable with a screwdriver. They feel a little "clunky" but you get used to that. I wouldn't recommend them for joggers, but for walking you can even wear them on the treadmill. They are expensive but if you have any problems with your feet or legs these are amazing.
Regarding Z-Coils: Yes they are god awful ugly, however, I agree with the person who said they gave them their life back. I am a 40 year old woman who is Extremely flat-footed and have suffered from foot, ankle, knee, back and shoulder pain since I was a child. My father is a Podiatrist and even custom made orthotics did not help and surgery is not an option. I work in a theme park and walk on concrete for as many as 12 hours a day. In 2004 I bought a pair of the tennis shoes and currently wear a pair of the work boots, which have covers for the heels so you don't see the spring. You can buy the covers for any of their styles. I am not joking when I say that I can walk all day long and have no pain or problems whatsoever! They don't put you at an awkward angle as you would think, because your body weight presses them down. The springs are also adjustable with a screwdriver. They feel a little "clunky" but you get used to that. I wouldn't recommend them for joggers, but for walking you can even wear them on the treadmill. They are expensive but if you have any problems with your feet or legs these are amazing.
Even though I hate crocs, I do not think that those shoes are the best choise for somebody who is looking for a nice pair of shoes.
Hold on, am I missing a point or such?
Oh my, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. I will tell you that I don't quite care for them either. They are unattractive and gawdy - however, some people do find them therapeutically satisfying and we all know that sometimes what's best for us doesn't come in pretty packages. Outside of the looks, they are uncomfortable but that's just my opinion out of the billions of others in the world. I sat here and read all of the comments about crocs and z-coils and this has made my day. People are actually getting super-duper serious on this site about exercising free speech. So what if someone doesn't like the shoes that you wear ALL THE TIME! So what if you like to walk around with your croc boots, croc socks, croc undergarments, croc pen-striped suit and your croc trench coat. Don't get mad because someone is voicing their opinion. It's not hurting you is it? You wear it and we see it, that's life. And I think all of the comments on here are hilarious. Who knew people could make a blog out of crocs. But I have to highlight Ashley T's comment about Croc Boots... ohhhh, I'm still over here laughing. I know I'm easily entertained but that was funnnnnnnny to me! And although z-coils look funny I'm willing to try them out because outside of me enjoying "crazy-looking" accessories, I too have issues with my feet, back and ankles. So, I would be willing to at least try them. Anyway, Viagra Online, Vicenzo, Jerek, Gringa, Kalli2B and Mr./Ms. Anonymous (the one talking about us croc-haters telling everyone else to get a life), your comments added fuel to the fire. I'll probably still be laughing about all of this 'til next month. I can really picture some Croc Boots....with wheels. This is to the player haters out there: If we want to bash a particular inanimate object, we can. Why hate, why even comment, why get your pants all up in a bunch over some shoes? Oh I know, you must have been the one who got caught walking around in the croc boots. Just stop hating! Last but not least Mr./Ms. Anonymous from Jerusalem.... You call this hatred? I guess you must be a croc lover and just can't handle the truth. It's called free speech and it's not undemocratic and IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS. Just in case you didn't get the memo, they have some croc eyelashes on sale, buy one get one free.
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