Kate and I have plans for the summer. First of all, we're going to be making a few more videos of Crocs destruction (finally!). Secondly, we'll have one or two more Crocs-related t-shirt designs in the shoppe. Thirdly, we're going to expand the East wing of the manor.
So, keep your eyes peeled.
In Crocs news, Holed Crocs have been banned from hospital in Rapid City, South Dakota because of health risks.
Also, hide your children because Crocs have come up with a brand new hideous shoe called 'Croclings'. Yeah. Don't vomit too much.

Here is some email from our friend Dorrie Hall, who felt the need to email us three times:
Please bear in mind that we had not responded to her email. Apparently she has nothing better to occupy her time. She wrote a third email:
Don't worry, everyone. Kate and I get a lot of email from crazy people. At this point, we are mostly used to it.
Lastly, our good friend Courtney has sent us some pictures of Crocs in their natural habitat. Look at them and learn. These are the things we are trying to rid ourselves of.