As promised, I bring to you pictures of my shoes. Now, the first couple are old shoes and, naturally, they are a bit beat up. I don't wear them that much anymore because... well, they're beat up. The last two, I wear more often. They're newer and less beat up. There you have it.
Alright. There you go. My shoes. What do you think? Am I the person who ought to be ashamed? How dare I make fun of people in Crocs when I'm wearing these monstrosities? Is that the consensus? I don't know! This is the first time I've given you ammo. Well, there you go. Have fun.
Also, if you've ever wondered what's inside my wallet, BOY HAVE I GOT A WEBSITE FOR YOU. Yes, is the home of the Wallet Museum, which is usually located in my back pocket and contains an abundance of flat or mostly flat objects. When my wallet gets too thick, the objects get moved to a box in my closet. As such, I've been collecting flat or mostly flat objects for several years now. I decided to begin the rather daunting task of converting the various pieces in the museum over to a digital format. CLICK HERE to check it out.
I prefer your newer shoes, but none of them are as awful as Crocs...
I found this while searching for crocs for my kids. I do love them for kids, because they can put them on themselves (I'm lazy) and they are easily washable. Boxy colorful shoes on tots are cuter than white sneakers with flashing lights.
On adults though, yeah. Nothing is worse except bright white sneakers.
What is your opinion on the primas though? I almost like them. I'm scared.
Those shoes look stinky. ;O)
I once was friends with a person who had a "disabled boy". All he cared about was what your shoes smeeld like. You had to take off your shoes and give them to him so that he could smell them. You had to do it out of politness.
I started then to smell shoes. It became an obsssion. I now only buy shoes that smell "right".
And I have become an expert on people based upon how their shoes smell. When I meet you within a few minutes I need to smell your shoes. You will agree to do it to be "polite".
Your shoes look nice. Can you post a link where I can go and smell them?
Yours truely,
I personally quite enjoy the last pair.
think you should re-consider making comments about crocs when your shoes SUCK...
oh, look at those sexy sexy shoes. :D
If my boyfriend thought those shoes were acceptable, I would probably dump him. THAT is a fashion disaster, sorry. While I agree, crocs are hideous, those shoes are right in the same boat.
haha oh dear. Please don't mistake the "Holly" who commented above for the curly haired Holly who thinks you have pretty hip shoes, Vinnie.
these shoes actually are worse looking than crocs
do a favor to yourself... buy a new pairs of shoes
those shoes are WAY better than crocs!
"How dare I make fun of people in Crocs when I'm wearing these monstrosities?" You got it those shoes are arch killers!! Crocs are awesome I am a Stylist and I know they are great!! I'd use nothing else only sneakers to workout in..Crocs are the best and your site sucks...I'm going to order 2 more pair just because I read your stupied site!
Really? You laugh at Crocs when you are hoofing it in those hideous examples of idiotic footwear?
i love all the people who are shitting on your style of shoes. it's clear they spent at least 20 minutes, like me, reading everything on your site to get to this specific post. and they also must have been searching for a croc hate website to have stumbled upon this (?) and whilst luxuriously vegging out in their crocs, had the time to post hate comments back at you. it's cooler that you have the time to make them realize their life sucks because they're modeling hideous, rainbow injected plastic fucks.
Crocs rule. I eat them for breakfast. And their skin is so soft. I love croc leather.
These shoes are not for me
I can't believe I have nothing better to do than read your STUPID blog.
I actually like your shoes... don't get what all these people are saying.
I love crocs! I dont care wat you say.... Youre a freak anyway.
you have amazing shoes (except for the hideous stripes on the converse lol) i especially LOVE the second pair...what brand is that?
These shoes seen comfortable and reliable such like Nike Coupon Codes offers.
I like its shoes because of its unique styles with comfortable wearing.
converse ftw!
I adore your shoes. Must admit, you seem to be a man after my own heart. This is, of course, coming from a girl with only two pairs of shoes; dry-weather and wet-weather.
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