Thursday, July 19, 2007

Like the tide

Things are changing around here, at least for the time being. As you'll see, we now have a "comments" option, which we didn't before, because, well, nobody was commenting. But you are, my darlings, and we love to hear your pretty voices singing us pretty songs.

Also, the e-mail's been flooded! Much moreso than usual! Here are some people that like us:
I stumbled across your site when I was looking up some information for a blog entry about crocs. I really don't like crocs, so was delighted to find your site and a group of people with the same opinion!
Thanks! You're swell. We've been getting a lot like that (or I have... is it a royal we?) and it's a nice change from the death threats. Here's a long one, but I like her style.
I work in the medical field. We're already forced to wear freakish looking scrubs on a dail basis. Not surprising many of my co workers get drawn to crocs. It's the only foot wear that is as hideous and bizarre as scrub patterns and styles.

I'll admit it, I was at one time tempted to wear a pair of crocs to work. Hell, I'm already dressed like a clown I might as well have comfortable shoes... and it's not like I'll stand out with every one around me dressed just as freakishly.

There was just one tiny little problem... crocs don't fit my feet. I'm guessing they were made the same way scrubs were, laboring under the assumption that all medical professionals are short, and fat. I'm not short or fat, and neither are my feet! If a croc is long enough to fit my foot, it's uncomfortably wide. If a croc fits my feet properly width wise it's so short my toes are scrunched.

These hideous shoes seem to be made for people with square feet. That gets me wondering if there is a direct correlation between square feet and lack of fashion sense.

I'm the only one in the hospital that isn't wearing crocs. Which is just as well, the damned scrub pants are so baggy since I'm not wearing electric pink boats for shoes you can see my feet any way.
You doll. Of course, there are some people sitting on the fence, so to speak...
I pretty much agree with everything you have said. Crocs are hideous and whatnot. But............... that kate chic is really ugly. she is all pasty white *she could REALLY use a tan*. and her hair is just flat out bad. combining her ugly hair and her pasty skin... OMG! its just horrible. and her voice eww! almost as sick as crocs are ugly. it just droans on and on and sounds like a man.
Well, heck! I can't argue with that logic. I'm sorry I made you OMG!, I really didn't intend to. I'm not sure why you felt the need to send that mail to me since, you know, I'm the one that runs the site. Or Vincenzo, who I have a feeling would disagree. There are better pictures of me online, I swear.

It's technically Thursday now and I should really go to bed because I have to work tomorrow morning at a SHOE STORE. That's right. The only one in the mall that doesn't sell Crocs. Victory!

Click the links there are SURPRISES


Anonymous said...

i work at a shoe store too!

though sadly, we sell imitation crocs, and i'm not sure if that's worse or not.

keep up the great work on this site, it keeps me enormously entertained. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



eudora said...

Your site is fantastic. I belong to two Facebook groups that are anti-Crocs, one is the one Vincenzo set up and the other one is called "I don't care how comfortable Crocs are, you look like a dumbass".
I love the way you guys handle hate mail, too. Gives me a much needed laugh at the idiots of this world. Please keep up the wonderful work, think I'm getting me one of those sweatshirts soon. I keep seeing these everywhere and I swear I just want to take electric shears to them.

(psst. not a big fan of Heelys either!)

Anonymous said...

i was wating you to have the comments option.. you're doing a fucking good job, i hate those things, they make our world so ugglier. almost like skinny jeans. i'm just lucky my friends also hate them.

Anonymous said...

You're a sassy fox, but please don't be hating Dolly Parton. I doubt she wears Crocs.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I rhymed that one!

Anonymous said...

Just wondering, where do you obtain your supply of Crocs to destroy? Have you been the targets of too much love from missionaries who strive to convert you to wear them?

Anonymous said...

Hello Kate! I find that your skin is not "pasty white" and that your voice does not "drone on and on", and that whoever wrote that was being unbelievably rude! Anyway, I was on when I came upon an article that had your site in it. I am also a fellow croc hater, as are many people I know. The problem is, other people love them. I find that they are too hideous for our eyes, which is why whenever you go into a store they are never near the front (for they would scare customers away). Also, I was wondering if you would be offended if some of my friends made a site about hating onions. We don't mean to copy you; it just seemed like a cool idea to make a site about something you can't stand. Permission granted?

Anonymous said...

hello...i really don't understand you people..i mean,if you don't like crocs-don't wear them,why can't other people wear them,you say that they are ugly,maybe someoane likes them...i don't,but it's not like you are gonna die if someoane else wears them....think about it,it really doesn't make any logic!!!but REALLY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To the onion-haters, if you check back, go ahead! I'm hardly a fan myself. Also, thank you!

Anonymous said...

I will say it once. You and Vincenzo have a very unique way of expressing your loathing of Crocs but what is even more unique? The people who blow things out of proportion. "OMG GO DIE. I LUV MY CROCS!! THEY WILL RISE AGAINST U!"

We can all sit back and enjoy this website, chuckle or down-right cackle, wether we wear the hideous shoes or not. At the end of the day, if you are angry about their opinions...please turn to a stress ball instead of incoherently sending hate-mail/messages entailing threats and trying to justify yourselves.

I must admit, however...fools do make me laugh. :D

Jeremiah said...

That "hate against Kate" mail was handled pretty well, I must admit. I would not have the colons to post a personal attack like that.

And it down right amazes me that those who are for Crocs have a remarkable lack of grammatical comprehension relative to those who are against 'em. Another connection maybe?

Chelsea S. said...

Next on the list should be an "I Hate Uggs" blog.

Chelsea S. said...

And by the way, my boyfriend's parents LOVE crocs and are always talking about how comfortable they are... it just makes me cringe. Luckily my boyfriend has more sense, but I don't know if I could stand having croc-loving in-laws.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! My mother in law is obsessed with these stupid shoes and gets borderline angry because I refuse to wear them. She takes personal offense or something. She even goes so far as to wear these god awful Disney ones with mickey ear shaped holes. Can you imagine anything more disgusting on a grown woman?

Anonymous said...

We're all entitled to our opinions. While I respect your opinion on crog clogs, I disagree with your assessment. I bought a pair last fall when I was in Hawaii on vacation, (and by the way hundreds of people walking along Waikiki were wearing them daily). I love them, they are very comfortable. As a matter of fact, I have my pair on as I write this comment. To each his/her own.

Anonymous said...

Someone please tell me what a Croc is? This site makes no sense. Is it about shoes or animals? Is it about stupid yuppies that have nothing better to do and have no real world experience that they worry about what shoes other yuppies wear? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I already thought yuppie "culture" was shit, but now I know it's reached the peak of "stuck in high school"ness.

Anonymous said...

When did they stop praising birkenstocks and doc martens long enough to start hating these shoes I never heard of ?

Anonymous said...

I stumbled on this site when AOL talked about it on the news..My works dress code strictly forbids open heel/toe shoes but allows crocs, I think they are the most atrocious looking shoes on the face of the planet next to clogs. I ran into an issue where my sneakers got fucked up and I had none to wear to i wore army boots and shorts to work..and got sent home because it wasnt professional...i told them to send every douchebag wearing crocs home because they directly violate the dress code...I won and got to stay at work...fuck you crocs.

Anonymous said...

Crocs are made for Peasant Feet. Short, squat, square Peasant Feet. *shudder* 'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

in the book of harry potter he dont die ....his friends do

Anonymous said...

yuk...crocs are soo gross!! i also have a hate for MBTs.....they're so clunky and weird looking - i know they're meant to help your spine and all but if god intended for us to have perfect spines....why are we making stupid looking shoes to make our posture better?

Anonymous said...

You are extemely pretty and that person is extemely rude.

keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have always hated crocs but I Just found your web site. I have just seen The worest crocs ever. (I am not completely really sure what they are). The back, Bottom, and front are crocs but where laces are on a reagular shoe, is leather and they have laces on them. You should try to find a pair and burn them. (please post that video oh, and I found them in a richy hood).

Anonymous said...

crocs suck. no i didnt read anything from here. i just saw the title. also.... i found this page with a very freaky cat pic in google images.

Anonymous said...

well that person is just rude. you are a very attractive girl and your hair is hot! i wish i had the confidence to chop mine off :(

Anonymous said...

Pale females are amazing. Don't listen to them Kate.